Air Canada Bargaining Committee News: Issue # 6

Air Canada Bargaining Committee News: Issue # 6

février 20, 2018 à 13:30

Air Canada New Uniform Updates:

New Uniform Launch Date
  • The launch of the new uniform is Monday, February 26th, 2018. 
  • Your Bargaining Committee has had discussions with the Company regarding delivery errors that have taken place, the Company is confident that all uniforms will be delivered on time and before the launch date. Should an employee not receive their uniform shipment on time, please ensure to advise your local management of the delay. 
Increase to Shirts & Pants Allowance: 
  • The company has increased the shirt allotment from four to six. Employees can order the shirts on/after February 26, 2018. 
  • Pant allowances for men have also increased from two to three pairs of pants, the third pair can be ordered by the employee on/after February 26. 
Uniform Hijabs 
  • Hijabs can be ordered in place of the scarves
Uniform Allergies
  •  Members that have an allergy to wool are able to request a change in the material of the uniform. A Doctor’s note must be provided to your local management advising of the allergy.
Uniform Alterations
  • Uniform parts that need alterations can be done with “Stitch It” Please refer to the ACaeronet > Unisync page > Need to Know> for alterations locations in your area.  
Pattern Absenteeism versus Innocent Absenteeism

Letters of Reprimand have been on the rise for Time and Attendance. In 2011, Arbitrator Martin Teplitsky ruled on several grievances at arbitration. In each case, he maintained that the employee has to provide reasonable and predictable attendance and that a pattern absenteeism and lateness can lead to further discipline.

There are two different types of absenteeism:
  • The first is pattern absenteeism, which is generally absences taken habitually in conjunction with days off or on weekends. 
  • The second is innocent absenteeism, which is excessive non-culpable absences. The pattern absenteeism can lead to discipline whereas, the innocent absenteeism can lead to administrative termination.  Administrative termination happens when the company regularly meets with the employee who has excessive absences and will issue a letter every six (6) months. If the absenteeism remains excessive after the third letter, it could lead to administrative termination. If the absenteeism improves during the reviews, the company will not issue any further letters. 
The very nature of the word equalization makes people nervous. However, it is a pretty straightforward task based on a very simple principle:  Hours that you were scheduled to work versus hours that were actually worked. The process takes place primarily at the end of a bid, but can also occur in other circumstances, one being a final closeout when one retires or terminates from the company.

There are factors which can affect one’s equalization such as leaves of absences or shift trading off for long periods of time.   It is important to note; Part Time members don’t get equalized as their schedule always commences on a Sunday, and the Company must guarantee them a minimum of 20 hours a week as per Article 6:14.   

6.14.04 - EQUALIZATION - When a full-time employee moves from one work schedule to another, they will work all shifts as scheduled. The company will calculate the originally scheduled work hours within the last schedule. Employees will be debited or credited at straight time for any hours that is in excess of or less than the standard work week as defined in Article 6.01.01.

In solidarity,

Unifor Air Canada Bargaining Committee:
Tammy Moore – Atlantic Region
Benoit Lapointe – Eastern Region
Frances Galambosy – Central Region (Chairperson)
Joanne Goulet – Western Region
Steve Murphy – Pacific Region
Euila Leonard – President, Local 2002
Leslie Dias – Unifor National Staff Representative