Morningstar bargaining survey released

Morningstar bargaining survey released

July 3, 2014 at 10:41 AM


In bargaining, surveys are an important measure of our membership’s needs and concerns. We have developed a survey so that you can identify the issues that are of importance to you.

Return completed surveys to your Bargaining Committee Chairperson, Mark Lussier, or fax to the Local 2002 office: 905-678-0100. Please submit the completed survey no later than July 21, 2014.

After we have elected a bargaining committee, the survey results will be tabulated and presented at proposal meetings. These meetings are an opportunity for members to hear the bargaining committee’s perspectives and to debate and vote on the proposals.

By completing the attached survey and attending the proposal meetings, you will ensure that your voice is heard and that the bargaining mandate presented to the company accurately reflects your priorities.

Unifor Local 2002 represents approximately 60 members at Morningstar Air Express whose contract expires March 31, 2015.


Click & Print >> Morningstar 2014 Bargaining Survey (PDF)