Canadian North: Bargaining Update - Negotiations Open

Canadian North: Bargaining Update - Negotiations Open

mars 7, 2013 à 14:45

Your Negotiation Committee met with Canadian North management on February 14 and 15, 2013. During the two days of bargaining, the Company and Union exchanged bargaining proposals and provided explanations for their respective proposals.

The Union's proposals included issues brought to the Negotiation Committee as a result of the surveys. In addition, your Bargaining Committee is insisting that our members absolutely deserve to be treated fairly and equitably and the first step in concluding a collective agreement must be to resolve the outstanding vacation grievances.

The next confirmed dates for negotiations are scheduled for March 19 and 20 in Edmonton, Alberta.

We will report back on the progress of this process.

On behalf of your Negotiation Committee: Aida Kirameddine and Darryl Draeger.


In solidarity,

Bruce Snow, National Representative
Darryl Draeger, Executive Assistant CAW Local 2002



For more information, please contact:
Darryl Draeger, Executive Assistant, CAW Local 2002