GTAA: Additional ratification meetings scheduled

GTAA: Additional ratification meetings scheduled

July 20, 2009 at 3:30 PM

The membership of the GTAA has requested additional ratification meetings and more detailed information about the tentative agreement.

As a result of this feedback (and in addition to the highlights previously posted), the GTAA bargaining committee is pleased to make available to the membership the following relevant documentation:

Language information

Reference Only

These documents will also be available at ratification meetings scheduled for July 21 and 23, 2009, (for times and locations please see schedule below).

Ratification meeting schedule

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
• 0800-0930 hours,  TCAT (T1-Level 2 Training room  
• 1200-1330 hours,  T3 Pyramid room  
• 1600-1730 hours,  AESC

Thursday, July 23, 2009
• 0800-0930 hours,   Sheraton Gateway Hotel , Alpine Room
• 1200-1330 hours,   Sheraton Gateway Hotel, Alpine Room
• 1600-1730 hours,   AESC

**Please plan to attend these very important meetings as voting will only take place during the scheduled times.