GTAA: Bargaining Update

GTAA: Bargaining Update

June 4, 2009 at 10:15 PM

Your Union has been meeting with the company concerning the recent layoffs and other issues of contention. Below is a summary of those issues:



Members of your Bargaining Committee have met with representatives of the GTAA to discuss the recent layoff notices. As a result of these meetings, the GTAA has tabled their interpretation of layoff/recall article #26 under the Local #0004 Collective Bargaining Agreement. The Union does not agree with the GTAA’s position. The Union will be challenging the GTAA’s position through the grievance process.

The GTAA will be scheduling meetings with the affected employees in the coming weeks at which the Union will be present.


Canadian Industrial Relations Board (CIRB)

The Union and the Company appeared before the CIRB on May 26, 2009. Both parties presented arguments before the Board which included a request by the GTAA to terminate the Local #0004 agreement in advance of July 31, 2010. The CIRB did not grant the GTAA’s request. The parties are scheduled to meet again at the CIRB August 10, 11 and 12, 2009.


Collective Bargaining

After the recent CIRB meetings, both parties - with the assistance of a third party Mediator Mr. Tom Hodges - agreed to explore the possibility of getting back to the bargaining table. An initial meeting was held on May 29, 2009 which resulted in both the CAW and the GTAA agreeing to meet again on June 5, 2009. In preparation, your Bargaining Committee met June 3 and 4. The parties will meet on June 29, 30 and July 2, originally scheduled for the mediation of outstanding grievances.


The Bargaining Committee would like to thank you for your continued patience during this protracted process. If you have questions on any of the above or on other issues, please do not hesitate to call the T1 union office at 416-776-3103 or contact a member of your bargaining team.

We will continue to keep you informed as these developments unfold. We will also be notifying you of a a general membership meeting that will be scheduled in the near future.


In Solidarity,

Your Bargaining Committee,
Joel Fournier, CAW National Representative
Ashley Watkins, CAW Local 2002 Executive Assistant - East
Jeff Hatt, Chairperson / Bargaining Chairperson
Todd M Browne, Bargaining Rep
Mark DaSilva, Bargaining Rep
Antonia Grabowski, Bargaining Rep
Hafeez Hussain, Bargaining Rep
Pauline Leloudas, Bargaining Rep
Fred Romolo, Bargaining Rep
Lars Sorensen, Bargaining Rep



For more information, please contact:
T1 union office (416) 776-3103