GTAA: Myth vs. Fact

GTAA: Myth vs. Fact

February 20, 2008 at 12:00 AM

Since the representation vote was ordered by the Canadian Industrial Relations Board (CIRB) there has been a great deal of discussion and debate between the employees of the GTAA.

We believe that some of the information that has been given to you is misleading or perhaps misinterpreted. Essentially, we want to separate the myths from the facts in order for you to make an informed decision. As you have come to expect, our union will continue to provide you with factual information. The following will reiterate our position on the issues.

Myth #1
Both unions wanted to provide us with the right to vote.
The CAW is the only union that wanted to provide you with an opportunity to vote which we presented at the hearings. The CIRB agreed with the CAW and ruled that GTAA employees should have the right to vote.


Myth # 2
We are voting on which collective agreement we want.
No. You are voting for the union that you feel to best represent you in the workplace and at the bargaining table.


Myth # 3
If we vote CAW, we’ll be starting from scratch…
All the terms and conditions of your employment shall remain unchanged and will only be altered by an agreement between the parties (the employer and the members). As we have continuously stated, no classifications will be affected by a vote for the CAW. This is the law.

CAW is on the record, stating clearly, that our position is to take the best of all collective agreements as the starting point from which to establish a new contract moving forward.


Myth # 4
If the CAW wins, all of our outstanding workplace issues (such as appeals & grievances) will be null and void.
Fact: The CAW’s position is that we will take carriage of all outstanding grievances and other workplace issues. If employees of the GTAA determine that they want the CAW as their bargaining agent, we will pursue all outstanding appeals, grievances and workplace issues.


Myth # 5
The CAW is a union for auto workers; they don’t know anything about white collar employees.
A common misconception is that the CAW is predominately auto based. In fact, 70% of our union’s membership is based outside this industry. We represent white collar employees at universities, credit unions, private sector corporations and public administration.

Our union has a long history of representing technical, office and professional employees, and has achieved significant gains for our members throughout the years. CAW has an established Council that meets specifically to address the unique issues that impact our technical, office and professional employees. This Council has been recently expanded to include post secondary education employees who face similar challenges.


Myth # 6
We’ll get lost inside a big Local union.
Each workplace is autonomous and operates independently of the other units within the local.

When your bargaining unit requires support, the local’s resources are fully available. Some of these resources include assistance with: appeals, grievances, human rights and health & safety issues.

Local 2002 can offer you the best of both worlds – a voice within your workplace and the collective strength from over 9000 members.


Myth # 7
Under the CAW structure, we will not directly elect our workplace representatives, bargaining committee and
local union representatives.
The CAW is the most democratic union in Canada. As a CAW member, you will directly elect your workplace representatives, bargaining committee and local union representatives. These elections will be held every three years by a secret ballot vote in your workplace. The CAW will ensure that your workplace representation and bargaining committee is reflective of your workplace.



On February 26th, 28th and March 1st, we are asking that
you vote for CAW and afford us the privilege to represent you.

By joining the CAW, you will have a union that has a strong
presence in the air transportation industry and has the
collective power from over 260,000 members across Canada.

On February 26th, 28th and March 1st – Vote CAW.
It’s your future.


Contact us:
CAW Information Office
3111 Convair Drive
Monday to Friday (7am-7pm)

Caroline Lavoie
(416-275-6564) [email protected]

Jeff Hatt
(905-612-2104) [email protected]

Join us for lunch
Thursday, February 21st
11:00 a.m. to 2 p.m.
at the CAW Information Office
(3111 Convair Dr.)
