GTAA: Election for Bargaining Committee

An election for the GTAA Bargaining Committee will be held as follows...

07:00 | 27 novembre 2012

GTAA : Élection - Comité de négociation

Par la présente, nous avisons tous les membres de la section locale 2002 de la tenue d'une élection pour combler les postes...

14:51 | 7 novembre 2012

GTAA : Election for Bargaining Committee Members

This notice is to advise all members of CAW Local 2002 that in accordance with the Bylaws of CAW Local 2002, an election will take place...

14:45 | 7 novembre 2012

GTAA : Élection - Représentant(e) en santé et sécurité

Par la présente, nous avisons tous les membres de la section locale 2002 de la tenue d'une élection pour combler les postes...

11:45 | 23 octobre 2012

GTAA: Election for Health and Safety Representatives

This notice is to advise all members of CAW Local 2002 that in accordance with the Bylaws of CAW Local 2002, an election will take place...

11:45 | 23 octobre 2012

Réorganisation à la GTAA

Plusieurs membres ont demandé aux TCA de les informer sur ce qui advient de la réorganisation à la Greater Toronto Airports Authority (GTAA)...

20:33 | 10 octobre 2012

GTAA: Operations re-organization

A number of members have inquired and asked the CAW as to what is taking place with the operational re-organization of the Greater Toronto Airports Authority...

18:48 | 9 octobre 2012

GTAA membership meeting on May 15

District 333 (GTAA) will be holding a general membership meeting ...

15:21 | 1 mai 2012

GTAA District 333 : Vice chairpersons elected

Election results for the position of Vice Chairpersons at District 333 at the GTAA are as follows...

13:58 | 30 mars 2012

GTAA: Elections for three (3) Vice Chairperson positions

An election at GTAA for three (3) Vice Chairperson positions will be held as follows...

11:15 | 8 mars 2012
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