Arbitrator rules on GTAA benefit plans

The CAW and GTAA have met several times over the past year in an effort to consolidate the four benefit plans...

16:30 | 24 février 2012

New National Representatives appointed

The Executive Board wishes to announce the appointment of two new national representatives, Shane Wark representing the GTAA and Richard Laverty who will be servicing Canadian North, CLS Catering. Handlex and Servisair...

14:48 | 6 février 2012

GTAA: Group Health Benefits Update

The CAW and GTAA have met over the past four months to jointly review the four benefit plans...

10:02 | 10 janvier 2012

GTAA: Statutory hours for seasonal employees

On April 4, 2011 a grievance was filed regarding statutory hours for seasonal employees. The grievance affected approximately 95 members...

14:45 | 5 octobre 2011

GTAA: Voting details for upcoming election of District Chairperson

The election for District 333 (GTAA) District Chairperson is being held as follows...

16:30 | 29 septembre 2011

GTAA: Membership meeting

District 333 (GTAA) will be holding a general membership meeting for CAW Local 2002 members...

15:00 | 15 septembre 2011

CAW 2002 : Élection aux postes suivants - President ou Presidente de district, Vice-President(s) ou

Par la présente, nous avisons tous les membres de la section locale 2002 de la tenue d'une élection pour combler les postes ci-haut mentionnés conformément aux Règlements de la section locale 2002...

16:30 | 24 août 2011

GTAA: Group health benefits review survey

As noted in the current collective agreement, the GTAA and CAW are jointly reviewing the four benefit plans which currently cover the CAW membership...

15:00 | 11 août 2011

Bulletin de la section locale 2002

En tant que présidente de cette formidable section locale 2002, j’estime important de faire un post mortem des défis et des succès des négociations avec Air Canada...

15:30 | 30 juin 2011

GTAA: Bargaining Committee election results

The Bargaining Committee election process at GTAA is now complete. The results are as follows...

10:00 | 4 février 2011
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