Jazz Pension Plan Contributions

Jazz Pension Plan Contributions

February 8, 2007 at 12:00 AM


Mandatory pension contributions to begin for employees hired after June 29, 2002

The CAW Customer and Aircraft Services (CSA/ACS) Bargaining Committee wishes to advise employees who fall under the terms of the CAW CSA/ACS Collective Agreement that mandatory pension plan contributions will begin on or about the March 25th pay period.

Under the terms of Article 19.04.03 of the Collective Agreement pension plan contributions will begin for employees in the following categories:

  1. Employees hired after June 29, 2002. Employees hired before this date are not required to join the pension plan but because of the Company’s matching contribution they are strongly advised to do so;
  2. The mandatory deduction for employees in point 1 will be 5% of total salary. Jazz will make an equal contribution to the pension plan on behalf of the employee. The pension plan contributions will be calculated from March 1, 2007 and will be deducted beginning on or about the March 25, 2007 pay period;
  3. Employees hired before June 29, 2002 are not required to join the plan, but if they want to be eligible for the Company’s matching contribution they must complete forms supplied by their local management or by Jazz Human Resources.


For further information contact your Bargaining Committee Representative or Jazz Human Resources