Jazz: Crew Scheduling

Jazz: Crew Scheduling

Jazz Crew Sked D622 YHZ: Election notice - Bargaining committee member, Standing

This notice is to advise all members of Unifor Local 2002 that, in accordance with the Bylaws of Unifor Local 2002, an election will take place...

07:30 | November 27, 2017

Hilton, D520: Election - Bargaining committee members, Non-Standing

This notice is to advise all members of Unifor Local 2002 that, in accordance with the Bylaws of Unifor Local 2002, an election will take place...

08:00 | August 14, 2017

Jazz Crew Scheduling Bargaining Update

On May 31st, Unifor and Jazz opened bargaining discussions in Halifax to exchange non-monetary proposals and formally begin talks...

17:00 | June 24, 2016

Jazz Crew Scheduling: Election notice - Bargaining Committee Member (Standing)

This notice is to advise all members of Unifor Local 2002 that, in accordance with the Bylaws of Unifor Local 2002, an election will take place...

16:00 | November 4, 2014

Jazz Crew Scheduling : Élection - Membre du comité de négociation (permanent)

ar la présente, nous avisons tous les membres de la section locale 2002 d’Unifor de la tenue d'une élection pour combler le(s) poste(s)...

16:00 | November 4, 2014

Section locale 2002 : informations sur les élections des districts

Par la présente, nous avisons tous les membres de la section locale 2002 d’Unifor de la tenue d'une élection pour combler le(s) poste(s)...

23:00 | August 18, 2014

Unifor 2002: Elections for Jazz CSA/ACS/Crew Sched

This notice is to advise all members of Unifor Local 2002 that, in accordance with the Bylaws of Unifor Local 2002, an election will take place...

22:55 | August 18, 2014

Unifor 2002 : Élection - Jazz ASC/SA/Préposés à l'affectation des équipages

Par la présente, nous avisons tous les membres de la section locale 2002 d’Unifor de la tenue d'une élection pour combler le(s) poste(s)...

22:55 | August 18, 2014

Unifor 2002: District Election information

This notice is to advise all members of Unifor Local 2002 that, in accordance with the Bylaws of Unifor Local 2002, an election will take place...

22:00 | August 18, 2014

Jazz CSA/ACS: Women's Advocates required (Eastern region)

Unifor Local 2002 is accepting applications for the position of a Women's Advocate for Jazz CSA/ACS...

14:00 | June 6, 2014
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