Jazz CSA/ACS: CAW calls company back to the table

Jazz CSA/ACS: CAW calls company back to the table

septembre 30, 2009 à 22:30

The Jazz CSA/ACS Bargaining Committee met in Toronto yesterday and is calling on Jazz Inc. to immediately return to the bargaining table and negotiate an agreement that will meet the approval of the membership.

Following the rejection of a tentative agreement in September 2009, the Bargaining Committee is sending a clear message to the employer that there must be a return to the bargaining table to address issues necessary to present a collective agreement to the members for ratification.

Bargaining Committee Chairperson Shirley Anderson-Mio stated, “We have put the company on notice. They [Jazz] must return to the bargaining table and deal with issues raised by the membership during the ratification process. We are giving Jazz a very narrow window of opportunity to negotiate and reach an agreement with this bargaining committee. Failure to do so will result in the commencement of a strike vote which will ultimately start the clock ticking towards a legal strike deadline.”

Joel Fournier National Representative said that he is confident that if the employer returns to the table willing to address the concerns of the members, a deal can be reached in the very near future. “We have made it clear to the employer that we are not going to continue to bargain week after week,” said Fournier. “It is our intention to get back to the bargaining table and reach a settlement in one or two days. If that does not occur we are going to take the next step and begin the strike vote process.”

The Committee will keep the membership up to date as to the employer’s response.

For more information:
Shirley Anderson-Mio, Central Region, Bargaining Chairperson