Jazz CSA/ACS members reject agreement

Jazz CSA/ACS members reject agreement

September 23, 2009 at 4:30 PM

We regret to inform you that CAW Local 2002 members at Jazz Customer and Aircraft Services have turned down their contact offer by a margin of more than 50 per cent.

The results of the ratification vote are as follows:

337 YES
341 NO

The Committee would like to thank the membership for taking part in the ratification process and will be communicating with the membership shortly.

"We are currently strategizing our next approach which will also include conducting a strike mandate from our membership," said Jazz Bargaining Committee Chairperson Shirley Anderson-Mio. "A lot of hard work went into this process and we will see it through with the membership behind us," Anderson-Mio said.


In Solidarity,

Your Jazz CSA/ACS Bargaining Committee,
Shirley Anderson-Mio, Central Region, Chairperson
Janice Mackey, Pacific Region, CSA
Berni Viczko, Western Region, CSA
Huw Callard, West Region, ACS
Robert Pomanti, Eastern Region, ACS
Josie Genois, Quebec, CSA
Andrea Batten, Atlantic Region, CSA





For more information:
Shirley Anderson-Mio, Central Region, Bargaining Chairperson