Jazz CSA/ACS reaches tentative agreement

Jazz CSA/ACS reaches tentative agreement

décembre 3, 2009 à 14:45

The Jazz CSA/ACS CAW Bargaining Committee are pleased to announce that a tentative agreement has been reached. Bases will be notified of up coming ratification meetings as soon as they are confirmed.


In Solidarity,

Your Jazz CSA/ACS Bargaining Committee,
Shirley Anderson-Mio, Central Region, Chairperson
Janice Mackey, Pacific Region, CSA
Berni Viczko, Western Region, CSA
Huw Callard, West Region, ACS
Robert Pomanti, Eastern Region, ACS
Josée Genois, Quebec, CSA
Andrea Batten, Atlantic Region, CSA



For more information
Please contact your regional bargaining representative