Jazz CSA/ACS to reopen negotiations

Jazz CSA/ACS to reopen negotiations

novembre 27, 2009 à 16:00

On November 25, 2009, the elected leadership and other representatives of Jazz Customer and Airport Services met in Toronto with CAW National President Ken Lewenza, to develop a strategy that would result in a ratified collective agreement.

The meeting was well received by attendees representing  over 50 bases from across Canada.  As a result of the meeting, the bargaining committee has the full support of the membership to take whatever steps they feel necessary to attain the changes to the tentative agreement that was rejected.

The bargaining committee is committed to negotiating a settlement that meets the expectations of the membership. Any attempt by the employer to frustrate the process or unwillingness to make changes will be met with a swift response from the CAW. There are a number of options available, including the issuance of a 72 hour strike notice if necessary. A picketing strategy is currently being developed that can be set in motion in the next few weeks.

Ken Lewenza made it clear that the employer must be willing to make the changes necessary in the next negotiating session and has committed the full support of the Union.
The committee is set to meet with the employer on December 1 and 2 in Toronto to reopen negotiations.
We will continue to keep you informed of any progress as it is reached.

In Solidarity,

Your Jazz CSA/ACS Bargaining Committee:
Shirley Anderson-Mio, Central Region, Chairperson
Janice Mackey, Pacific Region, CSA
Berni Viczko, Western Region, CSA
Huw Callard, West Region, ACS
Robert Pomanti, Eastern Region, ACS
Josée Genois, Quebec, CSA
Andrea Batten, Atlantic Region, CSA

For more information:
Shirley Anderson-Mio, Central Region, Bargaining Chairperson