Jazz Technical Services: Stat bank, cash bank & converting to vacation

Jazz Technical Services: Stat bank, cash bank & converting to vacation

September 10, 2010 at 4:00 PM



Some questions have arisen pertaining to this years Stat Bank, Cash Bank and converting to Vacation process.

Once the 2011 Shift Bid process has concluded each Employee will have a credit of ten (10) times their shift length allocated to their Stat Bank as per Article 13.02. This will be considered a “New” Stat Bank for 2011. Any credits remaining in the 2010 Stat Bank will continue to be available for adhoc time off until December 31, 2010.

If there are any credits remaining in the 2010 Stat Bank later than the December 31 deadline, they will be paid out on the first pay cheque in January, 2011 as per Article 13.06. Note the 2011 Stat Bank Credits will be kept separate from the 2010 Stat Credits to eliminate any cross utilization for Vacation Conversion.

Further, after the credits are allocated to the Stat Bank each Employee will declare how they intend to utilize them. There are three options as per Article 13.05 and these include:

  1. Conversion to vacation
  2. Remain in the stat bank
  3. Conversion to the Employees cash bank coinciding with the first pay period in January of the New Year

For the purpose of Vacation Conversion/Stat Bank “Top Up” each Employee may transfer funds from their Cash Bank to their 2011 Stat Bank to a maximum of one hundred and forty (140) hours as per Article 13.02 and Article 15.03.08.

The 2011 Vacation Bid will commence following the conclusion of the Vacation Arbitration which is scheduled for October 21, 22 and 25 2010.


In Solidarity,

Jazz Tech Bargaining Committee,
John Murawesky, Bargaining Chairperson
Peter Brown, YYC
Ghobud Khorasani, YYZ
Daniel Marion, YUL
Carver Thompson, YXU
Tim Way, YHZ
Mark Shorhen, Tech II



For more information, please contact:
John Murawesky, Jazz Technical Services – Bargaining Committee Chairperson