Jazz Technical Services: Updated Seniority List

Jazz Technical Services: Updated Seniority List

May 9, 2012 at 11:45 AM

Due to the recent recalls of laid off employees and numerous seniority change requests, the Company has updated the Jazz Technical Services Seniority List. The Company has supplied the Bargaining Committee with a copy of the updated list and requested that the list be reviewed and confirmed correct.

The Bargaining Committee has forwarded this updated version of the seniority list to the District Chairpersons for posting in the workplace and encourages Members to check their seniority on the list to be correct.


In Solidarity,

Jazz Technical Services Bargaining Committee,
John Murawesky, Chairperson
Peter Brown, YYC
Ian Waite, YXU
Kim Choy, YYZ
Benoit Clermont, YUL
Tim Way, YHZ
Larry Arnaud, Tech II



For more information, please contact:
John Murawesky, Bargaining Chairperson