Jazz Technical Services: Work-Wear Complaints

Jazz Technical Services: Work-Wear Complaints

July 12, 2006 at 12:00 AM

The CAW Jazz Tech Bargaining Committee tabled numerous important issues at their last UMHQ in Vancouver. Several complaints had been raised by members regarding the overall quality of work-wear they are obligated to wear under company policy. These complaints focused on damaged clothing, fading fabric and general poor workmanship. The Committee did not have specific examples to provide at the time of the meeting, but are pleased with the company’s willing to cooperate with us. The Company has provided the following email address for employees to send work-wear related complaints:[email protected].

If you have any legitimate issues with your work-wear such as; returned damaged clothing from cleaning company, poor repair of clothing by cleaning company, loss of clothing from cleaners, shrinking or fading of fabric, poor quality, or if you have any suggestions for improvements, please use the above mentioned email to notify the company. Further, please be sure to copy your District Chair on the correspondence so that he/she is aware.

For further information, please contact your Bargaining Committee Representative.


In Solidarity,
Your Bargaining Committee,

Tim Way, Chairperson, Atlantic Region
Peter Brown, Western Region
Carlos Cayuqueo, Toronto Airport
John Murawesky, Pacific Region
Renaud Parent, Eastern Region
Tracey Read, Tech 2
Ian Waite, London Airport