International Workers’ Day – May 1, 2020

International Workers’ Day – May 1, 2020

May 1, 2020 at 7:00 AM




Today is International Workers’ Day, also known in many countries - including Canada - as May Day. It is a day to recognize the struggles and achievements of workers and the labour movement from around the world. It is also a day to pay tribute to those workers and unions that came before us and fought to achieve the gains that we all enjoy today. The fight is far from over.

This year, in particular, we can all acknowledge that May Day will be unlike any other we have ever encountered. Mass rallies, worker celebrations, and peaceful protests that would be taking place around the globe have all been canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In light of the ongoing crisis, many workers and their unions are marking May Day as a moment to draw attention to the inadequacies of safe working conditions in many of our industries.

Our commitment as a union remains unwavering:

  • we will continue to call out employers and governments that standby and do little for hard-working employees who continue to do their jobs throughout this pandemic and into the future.

  • we will strive to achieve better and safer working conditions, better benefits, and better-paying jobs for all members and individuals around the world.

  • we will make employers accountable for their actions and inactions; to safeguard employees and those who are most vulnerable.

  • we will fight for equality and protect the economic rights of our members and every member of the workforce (employed or unemployed).

Today, let us all reflect on where we have been, where we are, and what the future holds for workers around the world. Unifor stands globally with nations, unions, and workers to mark May Day. We will continue to fight and express our solidarity to improve working conditions for everyone.


In Solidarity,

Euila Leonard
President, Unifor Local 2002



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