Unifor Ontario Regional Council (ORC) Passes Resolution Against Contract Flipping

Unifor Ontario Regional Council (ORC) Passes Resolution Against Contract Flipping

March 11, 2022 at 4:25 PM
Unifor Local 2002 is pleased to announce that the Unifor Ontario Regional Council has overwhelmingly passed our Local’s resolution against Contract Flipping. The motion was passed, with strong support, at the 2021 Virtual Ontario Regional Council which took place from March 9 to 10, 2022. The resolution was put forward by our Local 2002 delegates who are advocating for change in legislation and demanding that governments end the practice of contract flipping for not just airport workers, but all workers. Today we stood together in solidarity with all of the ORC delegates to pass this resolution.  
Congratulations to all of the Local 2002 delegates and Political Action Committee (PAC) who were instrumental in mobilizing and lobbying support for this important issue that affects many of our aviation members. 

Special acknowledgment to the following delegates who spoke at the ORC and who were in full support of the Resolution:
  • Wade Ireland – Unifor Local 2002 Financial Secretary-Treasurer
  • Saul Santiago – Unifor Local 2002 District 301 Vice-Chairperson
  • Sonia Torres – Unifor Local 2002 District 356 Vice-Chairperson
  • Scott Doherty – Executive Assistant to the National Unifor President
  • Anees Munshi – Unifor Local 2002 Political Action Committee Chairperson
Background on Contract Flipping
The practice of contract-flipping involves subcontracting out services and changing service providers every few years, as a way to unjustly cut back on employees, reduce and stagnate wages and limit employees' rights. For example, each time a contract for an airport service flips, workers are then forced to reapply for their job with the new company, often with significant wage cuts and reduced benefits. Under Canada’s federal labour laws, which overseas sectors like air transport this practice is entirely legal. 
This practice is also used in Provincially regulated sectors to keep wages as close to the minimum wage as possible.  The Liberal Party had stated previously it was “ready to study, and if necessary, fix any loophole in the Canada Labour Code that might leave Canadian workers vulnerable”. In last year’s budget (2021) they voiced their intent to bring Legislation that would protect workers who are the victims of Contract Re-Tendering (Contract Flipping).
  • I encourage all Locals to support lobbying the government for creating legislation that protects workers especially when contracts are retendered (Contract Flipping).
  • Write a letter to urge all respective MPs to support and to use their position to ensure that the government follows through with the promised legislation.
In Solidarity,
Tammy Moore
President – Unifor Local 2002

2021 ORC Virtual Delegate Photos (left to right): Wade Ireland, Saul Santiago, Sonia Torres, Scott Doherty and Anees Munshi.
