Your GIDIP Benefits

Your GIDIP Benefits

March 10, 2022 at 8:00 AM


Dear Unifor 2002 member,

There may be times in your career when sickness or injury prevents you from working and earning your regular income. Without adequate financial protection, your family’s financial security and way of life may be compromised.

The Unifor Local 2002 Group Insurance Disability Income Plan (GIDIP) is a trust fund to help protect you and your family from an unexpected illness or accident that leaves you unable to work and earn an income. The Trust is operated at arm’s length from the Local Union and the administrative duties are managed by Canadian Benefits Consulting Group Ltd.



Here is your GIDIP Benefit Booklet:

Aeroplan (PDF)

Air Canada CSSA (PDF)

Air Canada Crew Scheduling (PDF)

CLS Catering (PDF)



The trust fund is overseen by 5 Trustees appointed by the Unifor Local 2002 Executive Board. If you have questions about your GIDIP plan, please contact your trustee.

Pacific Region | Ross McConkey
Tel: (604) 295-4220

Western Region | Astrid Metzler
Tel: (403) 828-1584

Central Region | Terry Carlucci
(available via email)

Eastern Region | Sophia Michailidis
Tel: (514) 744-5228

Atlantic Region | Martin Melanson
Tel: (506) 875-4902



For more information, please visit the Unifor Local 2002 GIDIP portal:



22-03-09 GIDIP Update to members EN.txt