Morningstar Membership News

Morningstar Membership News

January 28, 2009 at 12:00 AM

A Happier New Year unfolded when the Company, gave and then took away lay-off notices, after the Edmonton base closure was retracted for now - "Stay Tuned".

The company has indicated it will be requesting early negotiations for a new contract, in conjunction with negotiating terms and conditions for the B-757, which will tentatively arrive in the fall of 2010. Elections for bargaining committee members will then be held, followed by membership meetings, to discuss contract issues.

Talks are continuing with the company about going to a computerized line-bidding system for the Boeing aircraft. We are also discussing making the Vacation Planner interactive on-line with more vacation blocks open for bidding.

In order to facilitate your concerns, the following people have volunteered for various committees. We feel their involvement will have a positive impact on our membership and we appreciate and applaud their efforts.

Scheduling - Dan and Sharon Hammel and Julius Martisz
Hotel Committee Representative - Rod Levatte
Caravan Representative - Christophe Peschard
Health and Safety Representative - Mark Barlow

If you have particular ideas or concerns please direct them to the committee responsible.

This promises to be an interesting and challenging year and we look forward to representing you.


Dave O’Neil
District Chairperson