Air Canada D301: Notice of Runoff Election Results

Air Canada D301: Notice of Runoff Election Results

May 16, 2024 at 5:30 PM


To: Local 2002 Members, Air Canada D301

From : Unifor 2002 Elections Committee

Subject : Election for the following position:

  • (4) Vice-Chairperson


The Local Election Committee is pleased to announce the following election results:

  • Jennifer Budaya-Cardoso
    480 votes (67.0%)

  • Yolanda Blake
    Deemed elected
    355 votes (49.6%)

  • Marina Makary
    Deemed elected
    351 votes (49.0%)

  • Paula Carvajal
    Deemed elected
    345 votes (48.2%)

  • Feruzbek (Berk) Khudaykulov
    292 votes (40.8%)

  • Abstain ballots cast: 3

  • Total ballots cast: 716



In solidarity,

Manon Camiré
Unifor Local 2002 Elections Committee Chairperson



Elected vs Deemed Elected

To be elected to a District Representative position, a candidate must receive over half the votes cast in accordance with the bylaws.

During a run-off election for multiple positions, there could be all or some candidates that do not achieve the majority of votes. In that situation, we would drop the candidate with the least number of votes which makes the number of candidates match the remaining number of positions. This is what the Local Election Committee, (LEC), calls “Deemed Elected”.

In this run-off election we had 5 candidates running for 4 positions. One received the majority of votes cast and was “Elected”. The candidate with the least number of votes was removed and that left three candidates for the three remaining positions. These candidates were “Deemed Elected”.

If you have any questions, please direct them to [email protected].

In Solidarity,






24-05-16 AC D301 runoff and election notice EN.txt

#Election #LEC #DBX