Air Canada District 401 Montreal: Notice of Election Results for (3) Vice Chairperson

Air Canada District 401 Montreal: Notice of Election Results for (3) Vice Chairperson

May 17, 2024 at 7:26 PM

Notice of Election Results

TO: Local 2002 members Air Canada  D401 Montreal

FROM: Unifor Local 2002 Elections Committee 

SUBJECT: Election for the following position:
  • 3 - Vice-Chairperson
The Local Election Committee is pleased to announce the following election results:

          Candidates                                        # votes 
  • Emilia (Amy) Ciambella -  Elected   184(65.9%)
  • Daniel Daly -  Elected                        157(56.3%)
  • Laurie Rosa -  Deemed elected        107(38.4%)
  • Kimberley Elliott                                   89(31.9%)
Abstain ballots cast: 2
Total ballots cast:  279

Please click here for the election file.

In solidarity,
Manon Camiré 
Unifor Local 2002 Elections Committee Chairperson