Local 2002 President Jamie Ross says thanks

Local 2002 President Jamie Ross says thanks

juin 9, 2011 à 19:56

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

I would like to express my deepest appreciation to all of you who have demonstrated solidarity and determination by taking part in CAW Rallies For a Fair Deal that have taken place across the country in the past weeks.

Today, the ‘Rally Finale’ was held at Pearson Airport and Toronto area CAW members and union activists showed up in the hundreds to support our cause. Speaker after speaker reminded us that our fight to protect our pensions is their fight and that we are all in this together.

The will of the Air Canada CAW workers has been expressed to the company in clear terms. Our union does not intend to see this company further demoralize workers.

It is the bargaining committee’s intent to reach a settlement without a dispute; however the strike deadline of midnight on June 13, 2011 is very real. And so is our commitment to end these negotiations without concessions and bring the membership a solid contract that makes much deserved progress.

I thank you again for reminding me what the spirit of unionism is all about.

In Solidarity,
