

EVAS D510: Election - Notice of Acclaimed Candidates

The recent election call has resulted in the acclamation of the following candidate(s)...

15:30 | July 10, 2023

EVAS Members D510: Election Notice for 2 Bargaining Committee Members NS

EVAS Members D510: Election Notice for 2 Bargaining Committee Members NS

10:25 | June 26, 2023

EVAS D510: Notice of Acclaimed (2) Bargaining Committee Members

EVAS Air District # 510: Notice of Acclaimed Candidates for (2) Non-standing Bargaining Committee members.

09:54 | June 22, 2021

EVAS D510: Election - 2 Bargaining committee member, Non-Standing

This notice is to advise all members of Unifor Local 2002 that, in accordance with the Bylaws of Unifor Local 2002, an election will take place for the above-mentioned position(s)...

10:00 | June 7, 2021

EVAS Air - District #510: Election Notice for (1) District Chairperson

EVAS Air - District #510: Election Notice for (1) District Chairperson

09:35 | July 17, 2019

EVAS D510: Election Notice - Bargaining committee member, Non-Standing

This notice is to advise all members of Unifor Local 2002 that, in accordance with the Bylaws of Unifor Local 2002, an election will take place...

08:00 | May 25, 2018