Arbitrator rules on GTAA benefit plans

Arbitrator rules on GTAA benefit plans

février 24, 2012 à 16:30

The CAW and GTAA have met several times over the past year in an effort to consolidate the four benefit plans: PSAC 0004, CAW 2002, PSAC 0005 and the newly included employees which currently cover the CAW membership, as outlined in Appendix "L" of the collective bargaining agreement.

The two groups were unable to resolve all of the outstanding issues and the matter was referred to Arbitrator Tom Hodges. Following the arbitrator’s direction, the CAW and the GTAA met on January 16, 2012 but again were unable to reach an agreement on a consolidated benefit plan (specifically as it related to the interpretation of a ‘cost neutral basis.’)

On January 31, 2012, Hodges met with both parties in order to listen to final arguments and render a ‘final and binding’ decision. In his judgement, Mr. Hodges stated that, as the task was not completed in a timely manner, the status quo is to be maintained. The matter of the consolidation will be "delivered back into the collective bargaining forum, with an eye on the upcoming expiry of the current collective agreement.” 

To read Arbitrator Hodges binding decision, dated February 22, 2012, please click here: GTAA-CAW BENEFITS

For more information please contactAshley Watkins, Local 2002 Executive Assistant