Jazz CSA District 611 YSJ: Writ of Election for 2 Health & Safety Representatives – 1 Ramp and 1 CSA

Jazz CSA District 611 YSJ: Writ of Election for 2 Health & Safety Representatives – 1 Ramp and 1 CSA

May 13, 2024 at 11:48 AM

TO: Local 2002 members - Jazz CSA/ACS D611 YYJ

FROM: Unifor 2002 elections committee

SUBJECT: Election for the following positions:
  • (2) Health & Safety Representative – 1 CSA, 1 Ramp
This notice is to advise all members of Unifor Local 2002 that, in accordance with the Bylaws of Unifor Local 2002, an election will take place for the above-mentioned position(s).

The term of office shall not exceed the original three (3) year term ending October 31, 2026 (Bylaws, Article 4.1.08).

Any member in good standing may run for election for the position by submitting a completed nomination form to the Unifor Local 2002 Office via: Email: [email protected]

Candidates may submit a Statement of Qualifications by the nomination deadline. Read the Candidate Statement Guidelines for deadline and details.

Nominations and signed Code of Conduct must be received no later than NOON Eastern time on 27 May 2024. Nominees MUST confirm that the nomination was received by calling the Local’s office: (905) 678-1551 or 1-888-226-8885.

All candidates shall be able to withdraw their nomination no later than NOON Eastern time on 31 May 2024.

Nominations and statements of qualifications will only be accepted between: NOON Eastern time on 13 May 2024 and NOON Eastern time on 27 May 2024.

Please click here for the election file.

In solidarity,
Manon Camiré
Unifor Local 2002 Elections Committee Chairperson