Jazz Customer & Aircraft Service Members: Phase-In Retirement Commitment

Jazz Customer & Aircraft Service Members: Phase-In Retirement Commitment

August 31, 2023 at 9:28 AM

As you may recall from the ratification meetings, we wanted to update you on the progress regarding the phase-in retirement commitment that was discussed with the Company.
In alignment with the discussions held during the ratification process, the Company has agreed to establish a commitment in collaboration with Unifor members. This commitment aims to explore and assess the feasibility of implementing a phase-in retirement program. This program would be subject to the guidelines and regulations set forth by OSFI (Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions), the Pension Regulator.
While we understand your eagerness for more detailed information, we want to inform you that at this point, our Bargaining Committee has limited specifics to share. However, it's important to note that both parties have initiated discussions with the goal of forming a dedicated committee. The purpose of this committee will be to comprehensively evaluate the potential impact of a phase-in retirement program and to formulate appropriate language to address this matter in the collective agreement.
Please rest assured that we are committed to keeping you informed throughout this process. As soon as substantial progress is made and significant information becomes available, we will ensure that you are promptly updated.
Your support and understanding during this phase are greatly appreciated. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to represent your interests and ensure that your voice is heard.
In Solidarity,
Your Unifor Bargaining Committee
Lucie Lapierre, Eastern Region – Chairperson
Astraea Sam, Western Region
Beth Nuttall, Pacific Region
Annette Boissonneault, Central Region and YQT
Wendy Barnes, Atlantic Region
Karl de Wit, Aircraft Services
Josée Genois, Assistant to the Local President
Shayne Fields, Unifor National Representative
For more information, please contact: Josée Genois, Assistant to the Local President