Jazz Technical Services July Newsletter

Jazz Technical Services July Newsletter

août 5, 2011 à 11:53
July has been a very busy month: we had the monthly conference call, the quarterly executive board meeting in Toronto, district chairperson nominations and finally a regional and UMHQ meeting in Vancouver.

Monthly conference calls(All Call) - One of our members had a minor accident involving a JAZZ van and a JAZZ RJ on the ramp. The police got involved and fined our member.  This is being challenged in court. In accordance with article 19, the union asked for the company to supply legal council and the company has agreed to up hold their contractual obligation. Note: because we had a regional at the end of July there will be no August All Call.

Fatigue Risk Management System (FRMS)– Transport Canada has legislated that companies have to come up with FRMS program.  Jim Sofonoff from Calgary is our CARs (Canadian Aviation Regulations) representative. He will join a review committee being set up by JAZZ and keep us updated.  This is not new legislation, however I suspect that time is running out to implement some sort of program.Click here for more information on FRMS.

Executive Board– On July 21, the first meeting of the newly elected Local 2002 Executive Board was held. I am pleased to say that I was elected to continue in the role of Executive Vice President. As President Jamie Ross (no relation), will be on vacation this fall, I will assume the duties of the President while she is away. So in other words I will be the Big Kahuna for a few weeks! The District Chairs will get the summary minutes of the executive board meeting when completed.

District Chairperson Elections– Nominations went out July 15 and closed on August 2. System wide elections will take place from August 9 to 23 with actual voting dates posted at each base. Summer is a horrible time to have elections, but because of article 18.03.08 which gives DCs a preferential bid, we need District Chairs to be in place September 1 for shift bids.
Bargaining Committee Elections– Nominations open August 19 and close September 6. Work place elections take place from September 13 to 27 with actual voting dates posted at each base. The new committee will be in place October 1, nine months before our contract expires on July 1, 2012.

Regional/UMHQ– We often link the regional meeting (where District and Vice Chairs attend), with the UMHQ (that the Bargaining Committee attends) so that all officers get the opportunity to discuss JAZZ issues. On July 25 we attended a course with the Jazz CSA/ACS group on conflict resolution, human rights and union activism. The following day, the Tech group submitted base reports to the District Chairs and held a pre-UMHQ meeting. On July 27 the UMHQ was held. Minutes will be available separately.

I hope everyone enjoys their summer!
In Solidarity,

Don Ross, Local 2002 VP Jazz Technical Services

For more information contact:[email protected]