Perimeter Aviation merger update

Perimeter Aviation merger update

December 12, 2018 at 11:00 AM


Over the past several months, Perimeter Aviation has been working towards establishing a single operating certificate with regional airline Bearskin Lake Air Service LP, operating as Bearskin Airlines.



On Wednesday December 5th, Unifor filed an application to the Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB) in order to initiate proceedings as a result of the sale of business effecting our members at Perimeter Aviation and those employees at Bearskin Airlines. The CIRB promptly acknowledged receipt of Unifor’s application on December 7th.

The employers – Perimeter Aviation and Bearskin Airlines – and the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) will have fifteen (15) days from receipt of the December 7th letter to file a response. Once the response is received, Unifor will have ten (10) days to file a reply. The CIRB has notified the employers to ensure they post an appropriate number of copies of the Notice to Employees, including a copy of the application in a visible place where employees can review.

The application is the first step of a process in which to consolidate the pilot bargaining units of both carriers. Although the application does include the Flight Attendants, the impact on the Flight Attendant bargaining unit will be different to those of the Pilots as Bearskin Airlines does not employ Flight Attendants on board their aircraft.



Unifor has initiated a series of conference calls to ensure all levels of our organization are involved (e.g. District, Local and National). During these calls, we will be establishing an agenda so that we can be transparent and provide you with the most accurate information and documentation we have. You will have an opportunity to ask questions and learn more about how this merger will impact you at a membership meeting that will be scheduled for January 2019. At the conclusion of this meeting, a representational vote will be held where you will be deciding which Union will represent you going forward.



We are confident that Unifor's proven track-record and reputation will prevail in this process. As Canada’s largest private sector union, we will continue to advance the issues and concerns that matter most to you, and fight for all working people in Canada and abroad.


We will continue to communicate with you as we move through this process. Please ensure that you have subscribed to Unifor 2002's e-news service at



For more information, please contact:
Ashley Watkins, Assistant to the Local President




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