Aeroplan Districts 104 & 404: Upcoming Proposal Meetings and Surveys

Aeroplan Districts 104 & 404: Upcoming Proposal Meetings and Surveys

June 15, 2018 at 10:30 AM


Aeroplan Districts 104 and 404 members' current collective bargaining agreement will expire on November 14, 2018, and preparations for contract negotiations have begun. The Bargaining Committee will be holding proposal meetings which will take place in early Septmember. The purpose of these meetings is to solicit feedback from the Aeroplan membership on the issues that members would like to see negotiated in the next Collective Agreement.
As Unifor members you are an important part of the bargaining process. Your Bargaining Committee has developed a bargaining survey which will be circulated to the members to determine and prioritize the bargaining agenda.  

We encourage all members to complete the survey and submit the completed survey to their District Chairperson or your Bargaining Committee Representative on/or before July 27, 2018. Please click below to complete the Aeroplan survey.  Your participation and input are key to obtaining a fair and equitable contract.
Our fight is your fight, and we will continue to fight for equality as we build a stronger more relevant Union. Unifor is a Union for Everyone!  Please ensure that you have subscribed to Unifor 2002’s e-news service at
In solidarity,
Your Bargaining Committee
Jacky Lui
Ross McConkey
Vince De Sua
Stephen Lussier
Euila Leonard, Unifor Local 2002 President
Josée Genois, Assistant to the Local President
Leslie Dias, Unifor National Representative
For more information, please contact Josée Genois,
Assistant to the President
Please click here for the survey: 