Worldwide Members (Districts #310 & #410) Votes 81% in favour of Strike Action

Worldwide Members (Districts #310 & #410) Votes 81% in favour of Strike Action

February 22, 2019 at 4:45 PM
Following strike vote membership meetings held on February 22, 2019, in Toronto and Montreal those in attendance voted 81 percent in favour of a strike mandate.  The vote by the members sends a clear message to the Company that the members stand behind the Bargaining Committee and the proposals put forward on behalf of the membership.

Members have made it crystal clear, we are willing fight hard for our collective needs. The Company needs to understand that we are bargaining for substantial wage increases and we will not waiver from this position. We remain committed to reaching a fair agreement for all our members.

The Bargaining Committee would like to extend their sincere appreciation and thanks to the members who participated in the strike vote.
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In solidarity,
Your Bargaining Committee
Livius Fernandes, Bargaining Committee member
Josée Genois, Assistant to the President Unifor Local 2002
Marcel Rondeau, National Representative, Unifor
Gary Ellis, National Representative, Unifor
For further details, please contact Josée Genois,
Assistant to the President Local 2002